Our project partners would like to invite you to join the webinar about the energy consumption behaviors of households from the webinar series „Lunch at SocialRES“.
The webinar series is part of the EU research and innovation program „SocialRES“. The goal of this project is to promote the socially-supported energy transition and to strengthen the cooperation between socially innovative business. It is participated by 13 project partners and associated organizations from different european countries.
About the webinar:
Do we know how we consume and demand electricity in our homes? What factors influence it?
Climate mitigation strategies seek to achieve a reduction in the electricity demand of buildings thanks to the application of energy efficiency measures. The high variety and variability in the residential sector require a better understanding of the temporal, social and lifestyle aspects related to electricity consumption. Therefore, identifying representative classes of consumers is both a challenge and a necessity.
Sofía Mulero Palencia, with the support of our coordinator Silvia Caneva, will present the study developed by CARTIF that explores the differences and similarities in the behaviour patterns of users involved in three types of social initiatives: crowdfunding, energy cooperatives and aggregators.
The webinar takes place on December 22nd at 12:30-13:30 in English. Here is the link to the event description and registration.