Unternehmen Biologische Vielfalt (UBi)
Field of action: Business and Biodiversity
Project goals: The aim is to promote exchange and cooperation between business, ministries and NGOs and to encourage action. Biodiversity should be taken into account in corporate management in order to achieve a measurable contribution to the protection of biodiversity.
Project area: Germany
Duration: November 2021 – October 2026

“Unternehmen Biologische Vielfalt (UBi)” is a long-term dialogue and action platform initiated and supported by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) together with other federal authorities, business associations and nature conservation organisations. The aim is to support the implementation of the National Biodiversity Strategy and thus also the reversal of the trend in biodiversity loss by increasing the commitment of the business community. UBi offers business and industry associations a joint forum to contribute their perspectives and develop their own strategies and activities that motivate companies to actively engage in biodiversity conservation, including through better management of biodiversity.
The second phase of Unternehmen Biologische Vielfalt (UBi) has started – the dialogue and action platform initiated by the Federal Ministry for the Environment in 2013 to promote exchange and cooperation between business, ministries and NGOs and to stimulate action. The Lake Constance Foundation and the Global Nature Fund have been involved from the beginning. The aim is still to inform business and industry associations about the interaction between biodiversity and business. They should motivate their member companies to take biodiversity into account in their corporate management in order to reduce negative impacts and make a measurable contribution to the protection of biodiversity. Currently, 38 business associations and nature conservation organisations are participating in UBi. The new phase is coordinated by the Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP).
Contact person: Sven Schulz
E-mail: sven.schulz@bodensee-stiftung.org
Phone: +49 (0) 7732 99 95 441
Project Partners
- Biodiversity in Good Company Initiative
- Bodensee-Stiftung
- DIHK Service GmbH
- Global Nature Fund
- Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP)