Together we make energy
Field of action: Energy transition
Project goals: SocialRES promotes socially innovative enterprises, such as cooperatives, crowdfunding platforms and aggregators. This leads to higher citizen involvement and energy democracy.
Project area: Europe (Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Croatia, Romania)
Duration: May 2019 – August 2022

In order to accelerate the expansion of renewable energies, it is necessary to switch from centralised to decentralised supply. In this context, greater participation of citizens is desirable who themselves become “prosumers”. Socially innovative business forms such as cooperatives, aggregators and crowdfunding platforms already enable consumers today to play an active role in the electricity sector. These companies include cooperatives, crowdfunding platforms and aggregators (whose role is to balance supply and demand).
SocialRES promotes socially innovative companies in the field of renewable energies in order to increase citizen participation and thereby achieve a higher societal acceptance of the energy transition. The task of Lake Constance Foundation is to analyse the business models of several case studies in order to identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Eventually, the aim is to build up an international network of cooperatives, crowdfunding platforms and aggregators, enabling them to learn from each other.
Contact person: Volker Kromrey
Phone: +49 (0) 7732 9995-48
Project Partners
- WIP Renewable Energies – DE
- Fundacion Cartif – ES
- Adelphi – DE
- Fondazione Icons – IT
- Trinity College Dublin – IE
- I-Ener – FR
- Energetica S Coop – ES
- Power Parity LDA – PT
- Abundance Investment LTD – UK
- Regionalna Energetska Agencija Sjeverozapadne Hrvatske – HR
- Tractebel Engineering SA – RO