The focus lies on climate mitigation, adaptation to climate change, protection of biodiversity, insect responsible sourcing regions, sensitisation of consumers and the sector initiative “Food for Biodiversity”. Overarching topics are the sensitisation, dialogue and networking of stakeholders as well as capacity building.
Current Projects
Energie- und Treibhausgasbilanzierung für landwirtschaftliche Betriebe
Mit dem AgriClimateChangeTool (ACCT) können eine Energie- und Treibhausgasbilanz für einen landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb erstellt und Entscheidungen für geeignete Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung des CO2-Ausstoßes abgeleitet werden.
Farmers in the Flaachtal want to implement more climate protection on their farms. Lake Constance Foundation is supporting them with this.
AWA Webtool
Information service on the sustainable adaptation of agriculture to climate change
Boden-AGs – Bäuerliche Arbeitsgruppen für fruchtbare und gesunde Böden
Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Kompetenz von Landwirt*innen in der internationalen Bodenseeregion rund um das Thema „Boden“ zu erhöhen sowie praxisorientiertes Wissen zu Methoden der regenerativen Landwirtschaft zu vermitteln.
Biodiversitätspunktesystem für Teilnehmer*innen und Zeichennutzer*innen von QZBW und BioZBW
Im Rahmen der regionalen und EU-Qualitätsprogramme in Baden-Württemberg wird ein marktorientierer Bewertungsrahmen für die Biodiversitätsleistungen der Landwirtschaft geschaffen. Das Projekt umfasst die technische Umsetzung und praktische Einführung.
Identify ways in which an agri-enviornmental programme needs to be designed for higher acceptance in the agriculture sector
Improving the image of pig farms and rewarding their sustainability performance: In the course of the project, possible increases in the sustainability performance of regional pig farming will be identified and demonstrated, and a fair remuneration, supply and contract system will be developed.
Fit for Biodiversity
Den Lebensmittelsektor dazu motivieren und dazu befähigen, biodiversitätsfördernde Leistungen in der Landwirtschaft über gesetzliche Vorgaben hinaus zu fördern, ist Ziel des Projekts.
Food for Biodiversity e.V.
Ambitionierte Methoden und Kriterien für mehr Biodiversität sollen verbindlich in der Lebensmittelbranche und ihren vorgelagerten Wertschöpfungsketten verankert und so nachhaltige und zukunftsfähige Ernährungssysteme auf den Weg gebracht werden.
Green Vineyards
The aim of the project “Green Vineyards” is to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of the employees of vineyards in order to cope with the challenges of climate change.
Insect-Responsible Sourcing Regions
Establish regional alliances with land users and the food industry for insect protection on landscape level
Promotion of Biodiversity in Fruit Plantations
Establishment and optimization of model plantations for the promotion of biological diversity in fruit plantations
PRO PLANET Apple Project
In cooperation with apple farmers at Lake Constance and the REWE Group, we are creating more habitats and food sources for wild bees in apple plantations.
Mit dem Projekt sollen die Voraussetzungen für eine klimafreundliche Wertschöpfungskette der süddeutschen Schweinefleischerzeugung geschaffen werden unter Berücksichtigung der Wirtschaftlichkeit und des Tierschutzes.
Ziel des Projekts ist die Ausarbeitung eines Konzepts für einen Wettbewerb innerhalb der Außer-Haus-Verpflegung zur Verbreitung der Prinzipien der Planetary-Health-Diet der EAT-Lancet-Kommission.
Finished Projects
Biodiversity in Standards and Labels for the Food Industry
Through effective criteria for the management of biodiversity and very good agricultural practice, standards and companies of the food sector can contribute significantly to the protection of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
In order to further improve the adaptation of agriculture to climate change, training and educational offers will be developed and made available to educational and advisory institutions in the project region.
Development of a market-oriented framework for biodiversity measures in agriculture in Baden-Württemberg, Germany
The aim of the project is to create a market-oriented framework for the various biodiversity measures in agriculture within the regional and EU quality programs in Baden-Württemberg.
More Biodiversity in Durum Wheat Cultivation
Pilot project for the development and testing of biodiversity measures in durum wheat cultivation in Germany
LIFE AgriAdapt
With the use of a common decision support tool, the vulnerability to climate change of European farms will be assessed and sustainable adaptation options disseminated.
LIFE AgriClimateChange
Analysis of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from farms and creation of mitigation action plans
LIFE Clean Air Farming
The reduction of ammonia and methane emissions from agriculture through better implementation and improvement of respective legislations, capacity building and change of consumption patterns
More Biodiversity in Cereal Cultivation with KraichgauKorn® and LinzgauKorn®
Pilot project for the development and testing of biodiversity measures in cereal cultivation as part of the quality label Baden-Württemberg
Nature and Biodiversity Conservation as a CSR Task in Medium-Sized Businesses
To identify the possibilities for the protection and promotion of biological diversity in organic winegrowing, in order to support the wineries in this important field of action.
Partnership for Biodiversity Protection in Viticulture in Europe
Development of training materials and analysis modules to protect, improve and promote biodiversity in viticulture.