Power Kids
Energy and climate protection with children
Field of action: Energy Transition
Project goals: Primary school children playfully learn about energy and climate protection in their local environment. They discover challenges and develop their own solutions, which they also represent artistically.
Project area: Baden-Württemberg
Duration: January 2016 to December 2018

Climate protection is central to sustainable development in Baden-Württemberg’s cities and municipalities – more than 200 climate protection concepts have already been drawn up in the state. For a successful implementation of the concepts, it is important to involve all actors from the outset.
However, children do not yet have access to these strategies in their home communities. The next generation is particularly important for the successful implementation of long-term climate protection measures.
Climate protection strategies are presented in model municipalities in a child-friendly way. In cooperation with climate protection managers and teaching staff, the Lake Constance Foundation explores energy and climate protection in the municipalities in individual project units.
- Learning units: Energy forms, energy use, energy sources, climate protection concepts
- Excursions: Energy installations, energy route
- Public relations: exhibition of works of art, press work
Contact person: Antje Föll
E-mail: antje.foell@bodensee-stiftung.org
Phone: +49 (0) 7732-9995-46
Project partners
- Grundschulen in Konstanz, Bonndorf, …
- Kinderkulturzentrum Radolfzell
- Lernwerkstatt Konsole, ISC Konstanz
Project Funding
Power Kids is a project of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation in cooperation with the Heidehof Foundation as part of the programme “lerning sustainability – children shape the future”. The City of Constance also supports the project.
- Baden-Württemberg Foundation
- Heidehof-Foundation
- City Constance