Partnership for Biodiversity Protection in Viticulture in Europe
Field of action: Business and Biodiversity
Project goals: The project aims to exchange experiences to train each other and to develop training and information materials and special biodiversity training modules.
Project area: Europe, especially in Portugal, Spain, Germany and Turkey
Duration: September 2015 – August 2018

Today, sound knowledge is available about the connection between viticulture and the protection of biodiversity. However, farmers still do not take sufficient account of this knowledge and do not sufficiently adapt production methods. One of the reasons for this is that the issue of biological diversity is not sufficiently addressed in the education of farmers or in further training, nor do they receive advice on this issue directly on their farms.
- knowledge exchange between the partner organisations in order to train each other and to develop materials that are practical and applicable.
- new and already existing knowledge has been processed and made more accessible to winegrowers.
- Fact sheet, Identification guide, Educational videos
- development of training and analysis modules to train winegrowers in the systematic analysis of their effects.
- Biodiversity Check, Biodiversity Action Plan
Contact person: Dr. Kerstin Fröhle
Phone: +49 (0) 7732-9995-40
Project Partners
- Germany: Global Nature Fund, Ecovin
- Spain: Fundación Global Nature, La Unió
- Portugal: Quercus, ADVID
- Turkey: Rapunzel Organik Tarim
Project Funding
Project Funding“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
Further Information
Fact Sheet „Biodiversity protection in viticulture in Europe“
The document briefly explains what biodiversity is, but mainly deals with the benefits vine growers have if protecting biodiversity. In addition, “Good examples” of successfully implemented measures from Germany, Spain, Portugal and Turkey will be presented.
The Fact Sheet is available in 4 country-specific versions and languages: German, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish. In addition, an English “European document” was developed.
Identification Guide “Species diversity in viticulture”
An approximately 60-page booklet that shows vine growers which friends and allies can settle in a biodiverse vineyard. It facilitates the identification and recognition of the most important species or groups of species that occur in the vineyard and gives interesting details about their way of life. In addition, there are many practical tips on how biodiversity and especially beneficial organisms can be promoted by small measures.
The booklet is helpful for vine growers, advisors, teachers in viticulture schools and other vinicultural experts and is available in 4 country-specific versions and languages: German, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish. In addition, as an example for countries not participating in the project, the Portuguese version has been translated into English.
Educational videos
In 16 short clips, important measures for biological diversity are presented and their advantages for viticulture are mentioned. Clicking on the link will take you to the playlist “partnership for biodiversity” on Youtube.
Subtitles are available for all clips in German, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish.
Biodiversity check – individual training concepts in Spain, Portugal, Turkey and Germany
The Biodiversity Check offers the vine growers a first individual overview over the issue of biodiversity and thus provides the basis for integrating biodiversity in the management and to undertake actions for the sustainable use of resources and the protection of nature. The check is used to examine the different areas of the farm, such as management, vineyard, purchasing, sales etc. with regard to the effects on biodiversity. New is the fact that not only the direct impacts of the vinery/farm are considered, but also indirect effects that could arise along the supply chain, e.g. sustainability of materials used, marketing, sales etc. The check identifies the contact points between the farm and biodiversity and provides suggestions for objectives and measures to reduce risks and negative impacts. It is an internal instrument and does not constitute a certification. However, farmers can communicate that they have participated in the check, but the communication of activities and projects that have been performed to support biodiversity should be a priority.
Elements of the Biodiversity Check for vine growers:
- Interview guide which serves as the basis for a structured conversation on the inventory of the farm.
- (Confidential) individual biodiversity training concept to show the farmers´ strengths and weakness, setting goals and measures to enhance biodiversity performance.
- Training of the vine growers in the application of their individual concept.
Who is addressed?
Who should be checked? The check provides vine growing farmers the opportunity to receive an individual biodiversity training concept that shows the farmers´ strengths and weakness, sets goals and measures to enhance its biodiversity performance. Additionally, vine growers also receive training in the application of their individual concept.
Who is going to check? Within the project the partners have been trained in the procedure of the check and are good contacts. However, the check is designed in this way that other nature protection organization, technical stuff from winegrowers/agricultural associations and companies, teacher of agricultural schools, farm advisors or others not participated at the project can also do the check independently.
The biodiversity check and the manual are also available in 4 country-specific versions and languages: German, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish. In addition, an Englisch “European” document was created.
Biodiversity Action Plan – Catalogue of measures to promote biological diversity
This brochure brings together the biodiversity knowledge of more than 70 winegrowers in four countries and the project team. The Biodiversity Action Plan is a roadmap to improve biodiversity performance at farm level. It is a catalogue with possible measures for all viticulture-relevant areas such as cultivation and production in the vineyard, harvest, wine bottling etc. By indicating already implemented and other possible activities to promote biodiversity, each farmer/winegrower can develop his own action plan. The around 110 actions, most of which have been tested and applied for years as best practices, have been complemented by research carried out by the partners.
The Biodiversity Action Plan and its measures can be applicable to all production systems and is also available in the 5 languages.
Project Flyer
Fact Sheets “Biodiversity protection in viticulture in Europe”
Identification Guide “Species diversity in viticulture”
Educational videos
Here you can find the educational videos
- Anleitung Biodiversitäts Check DE
- Biodiversitäts Check Gesprächsleitfaden DE.docx
- Biodiversitäts Check Individuelles Concept Vorlage DE
- Guidance Biodiversity Check En
- Biodiversity Check Interview Guide EN
- Biodiversity Check Individ. Concept Template EN
- Orientações Check Biodiversidade Pt
- Check De Biodiversidade Guia De Entrevista PT
- Check De Biodiversidade Modelo Relatório PT
- Guida Chequeo De Biodiversidad Es
- Chequeo De Biodiversidad Cuestionario ES
- Chequeo De Biodiversidad Modelo Formacion Individual ES
- Guidance Biodiversity Check Tu
- Biodiversity Check Interview Guide Türkçe
- Biodiversity Check Individ. Concept Template Türkçe
Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP)
- Excel file – Biodiversitäts Aktion Plan Winzer DE
- Excel file – Biodiversity Action Plan Vine Growers EN
- Excel file – Biodiversity Action Plan Vine Growers PT
- Excel file – Plan De Acción ES
- Excel file – Biodiversity Action Plan Vine Growers TU