Netzwerk Blühender Bodensee

Netzwerk Blühender Bodensee

For a blooming Lake Constance region

Field of action: Nature and Lake Conservation

Project goals: networking, knowledge exchange and capactiy building for communities, farmers, beekepers and companies that are interested in a pollinator friendly mangement of their green areas.

Project area: international Lake Constance area

Duration: since 2009


Pollinating insects such as bees, wild bees, butterflies and hoverflies are important indicators for the condition of a landscape. The decline in pollinating insects, also in the Lake Constance region, indicates that the landscape quality is degrading. Biodiverse habitats are becoming more scarce due to the increasing agricultural intensity and the increase in land use. Especially in the summer months, there is little to no food supply left.



The “Netwerk Blühender Bodensee” advises farmers, municipalities, beekepers, authorities, companies and garden owners. The goal is to make the Lake Constance region more biodiverse and flower-rich again and therefore increase the number of pollinating insects. The network organises target group orientated excursions, workshops and events, and disseminates pratical information.



Contact person: Patrick Trötschler


Phone: +49 (0) 7732-9995-41


Project Partners

  • 49 partners in the network (see download)

Project Funding

  • Landkreis Bodenseekreis

Further Information

The Lake Constance Foundation is partner in the network “Netzwerk Blühende Landschaft” and is considered one of the biggest and most active regional initiatives of this kind in the German speaking area.

The activities of the network “Netzwerk Blühender Bodensee” are currently concentrated in the project “Blühendes Bodenseeland”.


Copyright: Bodensee-Stiftung
Copyright: Bodensee-Stiftung
Copyright: Bodensee-Stiftung