Boosting Urban Green Infrastructure through Biodiversity-Oriented Design of Business Premises
Field of action: Business and Biodiversity
Project goals: Boosting biodiversity-oriented business premises through whole Europe, motivating companies to implement biodiversity as an important topic to their management system
Project area: Europe
Duration: July 2018 – December 2021

Europe is one of the most intensively used areas in the world. Up to 80 % of the landscape is used for agricultural and forestry production, urbanization and transport infrastructure and industrial areas. Nearly 30 % of the territory of the European Union is highly fragmented, affecting the connectivity and health of ecosystems and their ability to provide viable habitats for plant, animal and insect species. Biodiversity oriented premises and real estate will provide habitats for local fauna and flora permanently or during a certain time. Especially in densely urbanized regions, business premises and real estate can contribute as stepping stones to biotope corridors and green infrastructure. Furthermore, they will contribute to climate mitigation and adaptation, improvement of the hydrological cycle and quality of soil. Also, biodiversity oriented premises can improve the well-being of individuals and society.
Throughout Europe, the project partners raise the awareness and motivation of companies and related economic actors to include biodiversity as an important topic into the company’s management and decision-making. Through initial assessments, companies receive an individual overview on the potential for biodiversity of their premises and advice on the next steps for a biodiversity-oriented design of premises (BOP). A standardization of BOP elements through a toolbox will be developed supporting companies with many sites and real estate management to implement BOP.
Architects, landscape planners and gardeners have a key role in planning and designing premises. During the project they will be motivated and trained to promote BOP and help to mainstream Biodiversity in Europe. Workshops for Facility Manager will be intended to ensure a sustainable quality in the maintenance and further development of BOPs.
A monitoring system will be developed to evaluate the development and impact of BOPs on improving biodiversity, the working atmosphere and other (positive) effects.
A Europe-wide network, which will be established during the project, is to boost and promote BOP premises and real estate in at least 6 EU countries also beyond the project duration.
Contact person: Sven Schulz
Phone: +49 (0) 7732-9995-441
Project Partners
- Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung
- Ecoacsa Reserva de Biodiversidad, S.L.
- Ekopolis Foundation
- Global Nature Fund
- Institut für Lebensbezogene Architektur e.V.
- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid