Municipal Heat Planning Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg
Field of action: Energy Transition
Project goals: On the way to a greenhouse gas-neutral heat supply, there are many planning needs at municipal level. Strategies for reducing the energy demand of buildings and decarbonising the heat supply, by integrating renewable energies and waste heat must be harmonised. The Lake Constance Foundation and the Energy Agency of the Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg region support municipalities in building their strategy.
Project area: Region Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg
Duration: 01.2022 – 12.2024

The state of Baden-Württemberg wants to achieve climate neutrality in the building sector by 2040. One of the core elements for this is municipal heating planning. This includes an analysis of the heat demand and supply structure in a municipality as well as an analysis of the existing potential for heat supply using renewable energies. Based on this, a scenario for a climate-neutral heat supply in 2040 is created and a strategy developed on how this conversion can succeed.
The Lake Constance Foundation and the Energy Agency of the Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg Region support municipalities in this task, so they can get an overview of the potentials of a sustainable heat supply and determine the levers. It is important to set priorities in the procedure (see § 7c of the Baden-Württemberg Climate Protection Act). City districts and large district towns are obliged to draw up a municipal heating plan by 31 December 2023. For the remaining municipalities, the preparation is voluntary. It is important to set priorities in the procedure (see § 7c of the Baden-Württemberg Climate Protection Act).
The project is built on three pillars:
- Municipal consultation
- Networking to facilitate implementation
- public relations
Contact person: Dr. Immanuel Schäfer
Phone: +49 (0)7732-9995-442
Project Partners
Energieagentur Region Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg