More sustainability in the pork value chain through stable regional supply chains
Field of action: Agriculture and the Food Sector
Project goals: Improving the image of pig farms and rewarding their sustainability performance: In the course of the project, possible increases in the sustainability performance of regional pig farming will be identified and demonstrated, and a fair remuneration, supply and contract system will be developed. The networking of existing databases along the value chain should improve the exchange of information.
Project area: Baden-Württemberg
Duration: 01.2023 – 12.2024

More and more pig farms are giving up. The reasons for this are manifold. Besides the current economic crisis, the rising production costs for feed and energy, but also, and above all, the lack of perspective and planning uncertainty for the conversion of pigsties as well as the declining image of pig farming. An example is the decline in sow farms, of which every second farm has given up piglet production in the last 10 years (Situation Report, DBV, 2021).
In order to counteract this development, the project aims to highlight and valorise the sustainability performance of the pig farms.
The sustainability performance in terms of climate protection and biodiversity is analysed with the help of the ACC tool and the QZ assessment framework. Based on this, measures are defined with the 20 participating project farms to further improve performance in these areas. Aspects of climate change adaptation are also taken into account. An improved, sustainable feeding strategy and animal welfare measures complement the sustainability performance on the pig farms.
Highlighting these achievements is the basis for improving the image of the sector and implementing fair remuneration for the farmers. For this purpose, a supply and contract concept will be developed during the project, together with the downstream value chain members such as butchers, traders and retailers, as well as a concept for an improved communication strategy.
Contact person: Carolina Wackerhagen and Sabine Sommer
E-mail: carolina.wackerhagen@bodensee-stiftung.org; sabine.sommer@bodensee-stiftung.org
Phone: +49 (0) 7732-9995-444 or +49 (0) 7732-9995-40
Project Partners
- Verband der Agrargewerblichen Wirtschaft e.V., Stuttgart (VdAW)
- Landesanstalt für Schweinezucht, Boxberg (LSZ)
- Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt, Nürtingen (HfWU)
- 20 schweinehaltende Betriebe in Baden-Württemberg
Project Funding
Europäischer Landwirtschaftsfonds für die Entwicklung des Ländlichen Raums (ELER)
Hier investiert Europa in die ländlichen Gebiete mitfinanziert durch das Land
Ein Vorhaben des Maßnahmen– und Entwicklungsplans Ländlicher Raum Baden-Württemberg
2014—2020 (MEPL III)
Europäische Innovationspartnerschaft „Landwirtschaftliche Produktivität und
Nachhaltigkeit“ (EIP-AGRI)