Converting organic matters from European urban and natural areas into storable bioenergy
Field of action: Energy Transition
Project goals: Processing urban greencuts and rural grasslands for energy production and preserving biodiversity with the help of “integrated solid fuel and biogas production from biomass” (IFBB).
Project area: North-West Europe
Duration: 2013-2015

The energetic use of biomass has a special role in the production of renewable energies, as it enables the production of storable biofuels. However, the current generation of energy from biomass is often economically inefficient and ecologically unbalanced. Other problems arise from competition with food production.
As an alternative, COMBINE processes unused urban and rural grasslands to make it available for energy production. The innovative technology of integrated Solid Fuel and Biogas Production from Biomass (IFBB) is used for this purpose. There are four action fields at this project:
- Demonstration of IFBB technology with the help of a mobile plant
- Examination of technical feasibility (in partner regions and in an industrial plant)
- Sustainability assessment (environmental impact of the process, socio-economic effects)
- Organisational and competence building (regional implementation concept in a collaborative approach)
Contact person: Volker Kromrey
Phone: +49 (0) 7732-9995-48
Project Partners
- Universität Kassel (D)
- Baden-Baden Eigenbetrieb Umwelttechnik (D)
- National Trust (GB)
- CWM Harry (GB)
- Universität Gent (B)
- Inagro (B)
- Pronatura (B)
- Aile (F)
- CG22 (F)