Know, measure and report on the value of nature
Field of action: Business and Biodiversity
Project goals: The EU Horizon project CircHive will help businesses and the public sector to recognise, measure and transparently report on the value of biodiversity. By recognising the value of nature, CircHive aims to help organisations make more informed decisions that protect ecosystems, promote biodiversity and open up new opportunities for society and businesses.
Project area: EU-wide with global supply chains
Duration: December 2022 – November 2027

Nature provides indispensable ecosystem services such as clean air and water, fertile soils, pollination, erosion and flood control, and climate regulation. However, there are few organisations that identify, measure or report on their positive and negative impacts on nature.
CircHive is a five-year project with 15 research and practice organisations and ten organisations that implement developed methods in practice. The Lake Constance Foundation is part of the research consortium. The project will develop rigorous and standardised methods for combining two approaches to biodiversity assessment: Biodiversity Footprint and Natural Capital Accounting.
As a partner of CircHive, the Lake Constance Foundation will contribute its knowledge and experience from many years of activities in the field of business and biodiversity. Especially the work for and with food standards, companies in the food sector and farmers will contribute to the development and testing of practical methods in the project.
Contact person: Patrick Trötschler
Phone: +49 (0)7732-9995-41
Project Partners
- Luke
- denkstatt
- oppla
- ecoact
- Institute for European Evironmental Policy
- Ukrainian National Forestry University
- RISE – Research Insitute of Sweden
- The biodiversity Footprint company
- Biotope
- DIN – Deutsches Institut für Normung
- Ciedes Foundation
- Univerity of Edinburgh
Case study partners: Valio, Barilla, Stora Enso, Millwood, Agroderew, Novamont, Lacoste, Raiffeisen BANK, The City of Edinburgh Council
Project Funding
European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101082081