The Lake Constance Foundation is a private organisation for environmental protection and nature conservation in Radolfzell, Germany. The project-oriented foundation works towards more sustainability and nature protection in the international Lake Constance area and beyond. We work in the areas of Agriculture & the Food Sector, Business & Biodiversity, Energy Transition and Nature & Lake Conservation.

The Lake Constance Foundation was founded in 1994 by six environmental and nature conservation organisations around Lake Constance.
- Pro Natura Schweiz
- World Wide Fund for Nature Schweiz (WWF)
- Österreichischer Naturschutzbund (ÖNB)
- Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU)
- Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND)
- Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH)
All founding organisations are represented in the executive committee of the Lake Constance Foundation. The advisory board consists of 20 environmental protection organisations around the Lake Constance, from three countries, and forms the Environmental Council of Lake Constance (Umweltrat Bodensee). The Environmental Council meets when necessary.
The Lake Constance Foundation is founding member of the wordlwide Living Lakes Network and represents the Lake Constance in it. The Lake Constance Foundation is also founding member of the national network “Netzwerk Lebendige Seen Deutschland”.
As civil law foundation, the Lake Constance Foundation acts and cooperaters without any political and administrative commitments. The Lake Constance Foundation does not have any legal relationship to the K&K Bodensee-Stiftung in Ravensburg.
Satzung 2016.pdf (167.91 KB)