Thinking biodiversity, climate change and climate adaption together
Field of action: Business and Biodiversity
Project goals: The aim of Zukunftsgrün is to jointly address climate change adaptation, climate protection and the protection of biodiversity and to demonstrate solutions for a sustainable design of urban areas.
Project area: Interreg Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein
Duration: April 2023 – December 2026

There is broad social consensus that the ongoing loss of biodiversity and climate change are among the most pressing problems. Biodiversity-friendly (green) space design can promote biodiversity and address the particular vulnerability of urban areas to the impacts of climate change. Nevertheless, they are often not implemented due to a lack of awareness and knowledge.
Zukunftsgrün creates training and educational opportunities, builds a transdisciplinary network with experts from planning and implementation of land use design, demonstrates the scalability of biodiversity-friendly climate-adapted land use design through an organisation with 200+ sites, and contributes to raising awareness among citizens, administration and business through intensive public relations work.
In four closely interlinked work packages, cross-border solutions for sustainable urban design are being developed. These are:
– Building industry: Development of materials and decision-making aids for builders, LCA life cycle assessment data for green roofs for integration into baubook, training for planners and energy consultants
– Liebenau Foundation: Implementation of 6 biodiversity-friendly and climate change-adapted pilot sites, training for gardeners, social use of future greenery, integration of biodiversity and climate change adaptation into the Foundation’s environmental management system.
– Flowering Ambassadors: Training of private individuals/volunteers to become flowering ambassadors, train-the-trainer training for organisations that would like to offer flowering ambassador courses themselves, information and material provided.
– Municipalities network: workshops with excursions for municipalities, municipal competition: Spiel.Stadt.Grün, training packs with measures
Contact person: Sven Schulz
E-mail: sven.schulz@bodensee-stiftung.org
Phone: +49 (0) 7732-9995-441
Homepage: www.zukunftsgruen.org
Social Media: Instagram
Project Partners
- BUND Naturschutz Ökostation Schwaben e.V., Deutschland
- Stiftung Liebenau, Deutschland
- Energieinstitut Vorarlberg, Österreich
- baubook GmbH, Österreich
- pulswerk GmbH, Österreich
- Züricher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften, Schweiz