AZUBI gardens
Biodiversity-promotion and climate change-adapted gardens by trainees
Field of action: Business and Biodiversity
Project goals: Education for sustainable development: Further education and training of trainees from different training courses and company sectors on the topics of climate change (adaptation) and biodiversity. Experience of self-efficacy of the trainees through practical implementation and application of what they have learned in the form of trainee gardens on their own company premises.
Project area: Baden-Württemberg
Duration: Pilot phase January 2023 – June 2024 – Advisory services beyond that ongoing

The basic idea of the project is to create awareness for the importance of biodiversity as a basis of life and to make the connections to climate change understandable. The target group of the project are young people at the start of their professional lives, regardless of the choice of training profession.
The trainees are to experience self-efficacy by implementing their own project – the “trainee garden” – on the company premises. During the implementation, specific attention is paid to ensuring that the biodiversity-promoting, climate-adapted design can also be experienced through the integration of recreational opportunities; the trainees should experience themselves as part of this more lively environment.
Ultimately, this project should also be an introduction to the topic of biodiversity in the company. In the longer term, other areas on the company premises can be gradually redesigned in addition to the trainee gardens, but above all other biodiversity-relevant company areas (e.g. supply chain, production, etc.) can be identified and environmental management improved in this regard.
The project includes the development of educational modules for teaching the basics (theory part) as well as aids for practical implementation (practical part: trainee gardens). Within the project, 4 exemplary implementations in different companies and at least one IHK are planned, which will serve to evaluate and (further) develop the educational modules and implementation aids.
Contact person: Daniela Dietsche
Phone: +49 (0) 7732 99 95 446
Project Partners
Project Funding
- Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg
- Glücksspirale
Further Information
The information flyer “Trainee Gardens – Offer to Companies” (in german language) provides an overview of the content as well as the time and financial outlay involved.